No Beijing Global Day of Action protest in London, June 2021.

Our campaigns

Protect Tibet's Children

The Chinese government has a plan for Tibet’s children: if it gets its own way, the next generation will grow up loyal to the CCP, and strangers to Tibet.

Hands Off Tibet's Land

Thousands of Tibetans in Tibet are being forced from their homes - Entire villages flooded - Priceless, centuries-old Buddhist heritage is being destroyed.


The Tibetan language is not disappearing, it is being erased by force. The CCP has enforced language policies in what Tibetans call a cultural genocide: a targeted attack on Tibetan identity.

Hands Off The Dalai Lama

In defiance of the deeply held wishes of the Tibetan people, China’s government plans to appoint its own candidate as the next Dalai Lama.

Release Lhundrub Drakpa

Lhundrub Drakpa is a popular Tibetan singer from Driru County in central Tibet. In March 2019, he released his song “Black Hat", which criticises CCP policies, singing "the voice of the six million Tibetans is gagged".

By May 2019, he had been arrested.

Stop China's War on Buddhism

Tibetan Buddhism has never faced a greater threat. Every day the Chinese government furthers its destruction of the religion that stands at the heart of Tibet’s unique culture.

We campaign for an end to China’s occupation of Tibet. We work to build support for Tibet, stand up for Tibetans’ human rights and challenge those who support the occupation or deny Tibetans their freedom. We won’t stop until Tibet is free. Find out more about our current campaigns and how you can help below.

Support peace, justice and freedom: support Tibet.

We are Free Tibet, and we stand with Tibetans around the world. For their homeland, for their future and against China’s brutal occupation.