Meeting your MP in five easy steps

Whether you are meeting your MP for the first time or just need a refresher, we have you covered

Step 1. Make an appointment to meet your MP 

Email or phone your MP’s office and ask for a meeting. On Mondays and Fridays you will most likely find them in your local constituency. During the middle of the week, they are more likely to be in London.

When requesting a meeting, explain that you would appreciate a meeting to discuss Tibet and that you are participating in a nationwide Tibet Lobby Week.

To find your MP’s contact details, visit


Step 2. Let us know

It is always great to hear from supporters who are participating in the mass lobby. It helps us track how many people managed to get appointments and is also a way for you to get in touch and ask for any advice before the meeting, should you need it. You can contact us at [email protected]. Please also let us know which MP you are meeting.


Step 3. Prepare for the meeting 

Before each Lobby Week we provide information on two specific asks to make of your MP. These can be found on our website, including two separate fact sheets with background information. 

You do not have to be an expert on Tibet or the subjects in the recommended asks; you just need to convey to your MP how important the issue of Tibet is to you and that action is taken on your behalf. 

If you are meeting your MP in Westminster, make sure you establish whether it is in the Palace of Westminster, Portcullis House or another location. 


Step 4. Meet your MP 

If you are meeting your MP in Westminster, you will want to arrive at least 30 minutes before your appointment so you can clear security. Please note that flags, placards and T-shirts with slogans are not allowed. 

You might feel slightly nervous at this stage, but remember that your MP works for you and that nobody is expecting you to be an expert. During the meeting , it is best to be as brief, clear and courteous as possible. Do not swamp them with information and remember to mention the asks – you want your MP to take action.

If you felt the meeting went well and are happy to make one more request, you might want to ask for a photo with your MP. We are always happy to receive them. 


Step 5. Tell us how the meeting went

After your meeting, let us know how it went. We would be interested to know whether your MP was supportive of the Tibet issue, how they responded to the ‘asks’ and to any other questions you posed. Let us know at [email protected]

We are Free Tibet, and we stand with Tibetans around the world. For their homeland, for their future and against China’s brutal occupation.