Eight More Tibetans Detained Amid Heightened Climate of Fear
At least 110 people have been detained in Dza Wonpo over the past month
At least 110 people have been detained in Dza Wonpo over the past month
Around 100 Tibetans from Dza Wonpo detained within a week of military and police search operation
Military search operation in Dza Wonpo enforced eight months on from the death of 19-year-old Tenzin Nyima
Founded by a revered Rinpoche, Gyalten Getsa Tibetan school is recognised for its outstanding contributions
Local sources have stated Sherab Dorjee may have been arrested for appealing for education in the Tibetan language
Rigdrak was pushed off a steep roadside into a river after police stopped his car
80 released after being forced to pay monetary fine and details of 30 remain unknown
Chinese authorities closely monitoring online content sharing with Tibetans outside Tibet
Her husband and daughter have not been given any updates on her health or wellbeing