Protesters gather at Piccadilly Circus.

Hundreds of Activists Gather to Protest CCP Human Rights Abuses

Free Tibet and allies gathered and marched in central London to protest China's 'National Day'

As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrated its 72nd anniversary, roughly 1,000 protesters from Tibetan, Hong Kong, Uyghur, and Chinese activist groups came together in central London to demonstrate against the party and its campaign of human rights abuse. The global event, known as ‘Resist the CCP Day’, brought some nine organisations, including Free Tibet, together in solidarity.

Protesters gather at Piccadilly Circus

Protesters gather at Piccadilly Circus. (Photo: lei_uk via Instagram)

The protest started as a static event at Piccadilly Circus from 18:30, with speeches from Finn Lau (Stand With Hong Kong) and Benedict Rogers (Hong Kong Watch). This was followed by a march across London, ending at the Chinese Embassy in Portland Place. Outside the embassy, protesters chanted: “Free Tibet! Free Hong Kong! Free East Turkestan! Resist the CCP!” Further speeches were given, including one from a 15-year-old Tibetan and Free Tibet’s own Sam Walton.

For 72 years now, the CCP has ruled over China and its occupied territories, overseeing a range of human rights abuse. In Tibet, which has been colonised by the CCP since 1950, basic rights and freedoms are denied. Tibetans cannot express any political thought, other than that which the party approves of, nor can they practice religion on their own terms, instead having to follow a CCP-approved ‘sanitised’ version of religion which centres party leaders. These restrictions extend to Tibetans being forbidden by law from owning a photograph or painting of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s primary spiritual and cultural leader.

Protesters gather at Piccadilly Circus.

1,000 protesters from various groups came together in central London to protest against the CCP. (Photo: lei_uk via Instagram)

In addition to its crimes against Tibetans, the CCP has carried out human rights abuses against Hongkongers, Uyghurs, Mongolians, and many more occupied groups – including the majority demographic of Han Chinese people.

The events in London were part of a range of Resist the CCP Day protests around the world, as groups rose up to challenge the Party and its policies.

We are Free Tibet, and we stand with Tibetans around the world. For their homeland, for their future and against China’s brutal occupation.