Khenpo Kartse

Language & environment activist denied medical treatment in prison

Khenpo Kartse was sentenced to two years and six months in a closed trial, after being in detention for nearly a year.

Khenpo Kartse, also known as Karma Tsewang, a highly respected senior monk from Japa monastery (Khenpo is his title), was arrested by Chinese police on 6 December 2013.

He was held in Chamdo prefecture of the Tibet Autonomous Region until June 2016.


Khenpo Kartse with two children

Khenpo Kartse was only allowed a lawyer two months after his arrest. He was charged with harbouring other Tibetan monks in his monastery who were wanted by the Chinese police.

While in prison, he was reported to be in very bad health and according to some reports was denied essential medication.


Well known for his promotion of the Tibetan language and environmental activism, Khenpo Kartse was one of the first to organise relief efforts during the Yushu earthquakes in 2010. The local community has staged a number of protests calling for his release.

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